Being Organic, more than just a buzz word to us

What does being “Organic” mean?

The Land was there way before we came, and will be there way after we leave. It is a humbling thought. We should try to leave it in the same condition, if not in a better condition as it was before we interfered with it. Planting crops on it mean we are taking nutrients from it. We have to give back what we take. The shortcut is to pile fertilisers on it.  Often, we may have to do so, but if we let Nature help itself heal we will find that we do not need to. There is a natural cycle to plants and that cycle of life is more than just what is on the ground but what role it contributes to the insects, butterflies, birds and everything that lives in that environment. We plant high nitrogen producing plants like alfafa grass, and the wildflowers that come with it bursts into life in the spring.

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