Hand-in-Hand with Mother Nature
We work hand in hand with Mother Nature. Don’t fight it, don’t resist it., don’t force it. Work with it, alongside. Instead of being driven by greed, pouring lab produced fertilisers which would force the trees to produce more, to get more oil so we could sell cheaper, then have health problems because of chemical residues that will ultimately stay in our bodies which we then pay medical fees so we can feel better.. 😭😰😱....There are consequences to every choice we make. We instead go back to Mother Nature’s way of fertilising, working with her best way. Much slower, we produce much less, but we know it’s the right thing to do. And many who know our farm, our oil, know it too. ❤️❤️🥰🙏🙏We thank you for your continued support❤️🥰. Working hard now for this year’s harvest..
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